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Thursday, 2 September 2010


Well, this will be my last post of the night I guess. Anyway, it would seem like I have gathered a small gathering of slaves(followers) today and I welcome you all to my humble blog.

Anyway, on to the main subject of conversation.
I was just told that there is a party tomorrow and my friend invited me. There will be drink and people etc. but I have a couple of problems that I shall list for you:
The first and most imposing:
I have no money.

The second: 
I made a deal with my friend to stop drinking for a while.

Now, as much as I want to go, I can't just make money appear out of no where, but I could always ask my parents. Hopefully they will be feeling generous and loan me some cash which ultimately I will never pay back.

Now the second problem isn't hard to get around. I whole heartedly believe that one week is long enough to let my liver recover from the excessive drinking that occured over the summer.

But, I'm still contemplating on whether I should go or not. What do you guys think? Should I beg for money or should I stay indoors all day, lurking the internet, occassionally popping out for a smoke?

After mentioning smoking, I feel like popping outside now to puff on an extreme stick of cancerous death and turmoil.

Saraba da.


Red Baron said...

drink on my friend

marko said...

smoke weed it's cheaper :D

Cool-Beans said...


Anonymous said...

I love drinking... but yeah itcost so much... I wish I had more money...somehow...