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Wednesday, 1 September 2010

Poem Submissions

For those of you that have noticed, there is a poems section in the sidebar that was wrote by S-Fox and myself. So I decided I would take poems submitted by various people and make a collection. Therefore, if you want to add a poem just post it below in the comment section and it will be added.

I hope to make a large collection of interesting poems. Anyone can submit if they feel up for it.
Please leave a name with the post or an alias is fine too.



Duckiemeaw said...

Lol my completly shitty poem!

Anti1337 said...

i love your background pic~

Brave Lion said...

Why thank you :3

Mika Saint said...

You already got mine ;D <3

Riru said...

Your banner kick ass mate good one ^_^d

Anonymous said...

That's awesome!

Flobsn said...

Nice banner :D

Beastling said...

if only i had poetic talent.

CircleFap said...

Nice blog, I'll be following!

poups said...

nice blog you had !!!
come see mine ;)